Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Red & Green...more than just complementary colors.

Red & Green...also awesome food complementary colors!

I had the most delightful epiphany today. There is was...sitting on the counter...an open avocado. This open avocado was then added to my favorite sandwich at the moment: crusty bread layered with pesto, tomato and mozzarella. This layered loveliness was then broiled.

I almost left it under the broiler too long...this is the genius behind timers i guess. Maybe the genius is remembering to use them.

Another red/green complementary food combination I had today...salsa and guacamole! Brilliant!

Yum! Red and Green taste so good together. I wonder if my taste buds know they look good together too. My eyes and mouth are in cahoots...I knew it!


Nicholas said...

that looks so good. i'm hungry.

laSonya said...

i was just thinking about how great an avocado would be on my sandwich at lunch today.

chelsea said...

that's why christmas is so tastey