Friday, February 11, 2011

Middle-aged woman can still shake it...

The wrap-up...

Finding my way around other college campuses is hard. Good thing I ran into trumpet playing–electrical engineering–didn't have class til two, who helped me find my way to Ehly Hall or I would have been wondering around in the bitter cold for awhile (walking from class to class would have been AWFUL here). So much for maps being helpful...I never have been very good with directions. Finding the mass comm departments on the college campuses in our area was my final assignment as the Communications Intern at Lutheran Social Services of North Dakota. I collected a prize at the end of my scavenger hunt...not really, but hopefully my boss does...a new intern. I'm off to my new internship next week...yipee!

Dear married man...

I see the ring on your finger. It is clearly visible. Discreetly, but not so discreetly waving it in my face does not in fact make me any more aware of its existence. Dropping the wife bomb every other word is also unnecessary...just an fyi. I am sure you love your wife, I hope you love her deeply, but you and I are just having a conversation...just chit-chatting, worries! I am guessing that you think I am probably attracted to you, being I am a young ring-less female and you are a dashing, but "taken" man. But relax married man...who ever you are...who says I am attracted to you anyways? We ring-less females are completely capable of having sincere, but platonic conversations with the married, male peers in our lives. If you are making your wife a constant part of our conversation for your sake...go for it, but if you are doing it for my sake...then there is no need.

Like a Polaroid picture...

I am often the youngest in my Zumba class (don't hate, or judge, but you can laugh if you is comedic most days). Middle-aged women everywhere are shakin' what their momma...two plus children...and numerous birthday cakes have given them...and me too...haha! It is music and fun dance moves! Plus, the best part is I don't want to kill myself after 5 minutes like when I try and run on that darn hamster wheel for humans they like to call a treadmill. It is probably not the best cardio, or the best work-out in general, but I don't gets my heart pumping, my hips a shakin' (please don't picture that!) and my core feeling it the next day. Watch out for the grandmas though...whoohoo...their hips don't lie! Sooo cute!

Well...that was a random bit of nonsense...


          TaraB said...

          Jessi. You should know that I thoroughly enjoy your blog. hands down. every time. We should see if there's a zumba class in Seattle. Let's SHAKE IT with the oldies! Heeeeck yeah!

          Ben Schnell said...

          they should turn your "married man" bit into a budweiser song

          Nicholas said...

          hahahahaaa!!! Zumba is funny. As is most of this blog in general.