Friday, May 28, 2010

i feel...sweet

Why is it that when I have a sour attitude I think eating an excessive amount of sweet treats will somehow have a positive effect?

I had my forehead all scrunched in the frown position even after I stuffed my face with a piece of coffee cake and two cookies.

Why do our minds play these sorts of tricks on us sometimes? At least my mind figured out I needed a change of attitude.


TaraB said...

Can I just say that I love this "I feel...." business that you've got going on? Love it. Also, you're always sweet Jess. Even when you're cranky. For reals. It's a wonder to me.

Rachel Keele said...

so let me know when you're feeling cranky this summer so we can stuff our faces together...

chelsea said...

Let me know when your toes are feeling crunchy.

Jessi Jo said...

tara...haha...I just changed the name...sorry friend. no more i feel. :(

rachel...i am bringing my chai tea for such a time as this. lets have cookie ingredients on hand at all times as well. :)

Chels...i wish I had a memory. I remember that this was funny but I can't remember why. :(